Member Registration

Institute of Professional Engineering Technologists (IPET)

You have two options to register - Online or Manual submission

Online Registration

Manual Registration


 There is an application / administration fee as well as an annual fee payable.


A student shall, at the time of his / her election, be following a course acceptable as the minimum requirement for registration as a Candidate Technologist by the Statutory Registering Authority. This course is presently an accredited Bachelor’s Degree in Technology (BTech) or a Bachelor of Engineering in Technology Degree (BEngTech) or Advanced Diploma in Engineering (Adv. Dip (Engineering)) that is presented at an accredited South African University of Technology or an equivalent qualification.


The application shall be supported by a letter from the institution confirming that the applicant is a current student in Engineering.


An Affiliate member is a person who has a qualification that may be different from the usual acceptable qualification for registration by the Statutory Registration Authority and such qualification may not qualify for registration and the person has not applied for registration or does not wish to apply for registration and also may not have sufficient acceptable experience for registration. An Affiliate has no voting rights.

Retired Affiliate

An Affiliate of the Institute, who has been an Affiliate in good standing with the Institute for at least five (5) consecutive years, who has attained the age of sixty (60) years and, who is no longer actively engaged in the engineering profession, or an Affiliate with similar status of any age, who has had to retire permanently from work due to ill health; or retrenched and over the age of fifty five (55), may, at the discretion of the Council, be appointed a Retired Affiliate.


A Graduate is a person who has obtained a qualification acceptable for registration as a Candidate Technologist by the Statutory Registering Authority. The person may or may not have applied to the Statutory Registering Authority to be registered as a Candidate Engineering Technologist.


The bench mark qualification is, at present, an accredited Bachelor’s Degree in Technology (BTech) or a Bachelor of Engineering in Technology Degree (BEng Tech) or Advanced Diploma in Engineering (Adv. Dip (Engineering)) presented at an accredited South African University of Technology or an equivalent qualification.


A Member is a person who is registered as a Professional Engineering Technologist with the Statutory Registering Authority.

Retired Member

A Member of the Institute, who has been a Member in good standing with the Institute for at least five (5) consecutive years, who has attained the age of sixty (60) years and, who is no longer actively engaged in the engineering profession, or a Member with similar status of any age, who has had to retire permanently from work due to ill health; or retrenched and over the age of fifty five (55), may, at the discretion of the Council, be appointed a Retired Member.


The grade of fellow recognizes distinction in the engineering profession. Only members of at least five (5) years standing may apply or be nominated for election to this grade. The candidate must show proof of at least five (5) years of superior responsibility and leadership in the profession and an important contribution to the profession. The application shall be supported by two (2) Members of the Institute.

Honorary Fellow

The election to the category of Honorary Fellow shall only be by invitation of Council. The candidate shall be a person whom the Institute specifically wishes to honour at the time of the election to honorary fellow. The appointment of honorary fellows shall be in accordance with the provisions of the relevant rules.


A company member is a legally – constituted corporation classed as a juristic person that is in business of advising, supplying, designing, servicing, training or maintaining engineering equipment that are recognized as making acceptable contributions to the industry and the aims of the association. The Company must have at least one individual person in the company as a member of the Institute of Professional Engineering Technologists. Companies have no voting rights. Company representatives who are professionally registered as Technologists have voting rights.

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